GGLC Fete - Information for Vendors

Vendor Applications are CLOSED for 2024.

If you wish to be added to the waitlist to fill any last minute cancellations, or want to be amongst the first to be contacted for next year, feel free to fill out the application form using the button below.

About the Golden Grove Lutheran Community Fete

The Golden Grove Lutheran Community Fete is run by the Golden Grove Lutheran Church with extensive involvement from the Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School. The event is strongly family-oriented; we have many attractions that suit children, and we try to put together an event which offers something for parents and grandparents as well. Stallholders who have something to offer which does not conflict with the values of the Church and School are most welcome to apply.

2024 is the sixth successive year that the event will be held. In 2021, even with the challenges of COVID-19, over 2600 people participated in the event; in 2022, rain affected the crowds but still around 2000 people attended. While 2023 was a beautiful day with over 3000 people attending.


The event is held on the shared campus of the Golden Grove Lutheran Church and Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School on the corner of Sunnybrook Drive and Richardson Drive, Wynn Vale. Facilities include indoor spaces of approximately 500m2 and 120m2, an enclosed courtyard of 550m2, an outdoor area with bitumen base of about 3000m2, and the school oval. Cafe Connect is also on site.

Types of Stalls and Activities

In 2024 we are able to accommodate approximately 100 market stalls with various options for indoor, outdoor under-cover, outdoor on bitumen and outdoor on grass.

In past years, stalls have included goods for sale such as toys, games (e.g board games and electronic games), baby goods, arts and crafts, confectionery, garden ornaments, garden items, makeup, jewellery, cards, timber crafts, crochet and knitwear, and second hand items; promotions such as recycling, fitness, sports clubs; and activities such as pony rides, face painting and temporary tattoos.

GGLC and Cafe Connect provide drinks, cakes and some ready-to-eat foods, and together with sponsors provide inflatables, rock climbing wall, petting zoo, games and other activities. There is also a raffle with a significant list of prizes. Vendors who provide goods or services that do not compete with the above are preferred.

As a new feature compared to previous years, food trucks will also be invited to provide ready-to-eat foods.

Vendors may also wish to be sponsors, as described on the Information for Sponsors page. In particular we encourage vendors (who have suitable wares) to offer prizes for the fete raffle, which works to the mutual benefit of both the vendor's stall and the raffle by creating a "multiplying effect". This is only available to vendors who sign on early and provide the physical prize in time for photography and publicising of the raffle.

We also welcome other community clubs and non-profit organisations who might like to use the fete as a fundraising opportunity.


GGLC promotes the fete through a range of mechanisms: road signage throughout the nearby community, social media, website, newsletters to the school community, leaflets to nearby schools and churches, displays in shopping centres, radio and newspaper advertising, letter box drops. Wherever practical to do so, fete partners are promoted in the advertising material, in the following preferential order:

  1. Major Sponsors
  2. Other sponsors, approximately in order of sponsorship value
  3. Vendors

All vendors will appear on the fete website and in the fete directory. Vendors who apply early will have the benefit of longer exposure times through the fete promotional media.

We also encourage all vendors to share the event with their own membership, customers, email lists and so on. Media to share is available on the partner media page.

How to Apply

2024 APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED - PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS BELOW (for what the process will look like).

The application process is as follows:

  • Apply using the online form (Applications are open) as soon as possible, to avoid disappointment (we may continue to accept applications as long as there are spaces, but vendors should target the cutoff date October 1).
  • Provide logo artwork and website or social media link (email to in any of JPG, PNG, PDF, SVG or EPS formats) for promotional purposes.
  • Pay the vendor fee as detailed in the online form. This can be paid in person at Cafe Connect or online via the link provided in the registration acknowledgement email.
  • Provide a Certificate of Currency for your Public Liability Insurance if applicable (consult with the GGLC Office if not sure)
  • Advise of any special site needs (on the application form, or discuss with the church office). Some items may be available for hire, including a limited number of trestle tables and gazebos. Power and water are generally not available although limited accommodations may be possible.
  • In the week before the event, a site plan and detailed instructions on the logistics for the day of the event will be available on this website.
  • Set-up time starts at 9am, and sites are to be cleared by 6:00pm. There may be variations to this depending on stall location within the site.

Please direct enquiries to or call the church office on 7200 0090.

Terms and Conditions

General Terms

GGLC reserves the right to refuse any application.

GGLC or affiliates will not accept responsibility for any liabilities, lost, stolen or damaged merchandise or any injury incurred during the event.

Stalls shall be displayed in a professional manner.

Set up and dismantling of stalls shall adhere to times advised.

All rubbish, waste and packaging must be taken away by the stallholder. The stall site must be left in the condition it was found.

We strongly prefer environmentally friendly packaging and labelling for all items for sale/give-away.

If payment for site has not been paid before 1st October, 2024, we reserve the right to cancel this application and open the spot for other applicants. All fees must be paid within 7 days of registration for a spot to be reserved.

Stallholders or stallholder representatives must man stalls at all times.

Tent pegs are not to be used due to the ground conditions - sand bags or similar (e.g. water bottles) MUST be used to secure pop up canopy marquees.

Vendors must provide all of their own equipment including gazebos, tables, chairs etc. Limited numbers of tables and gazebos may be available for hire as described in the application form.

Electricity and water are generally not available. (There may be a small number of exceptions made to this rule for substantial attractions, but not, for example, for EFTPOS devices).

Cancellation Policy

Vendors who cancel at least 14 days prior to the day of the fete will receive a full refund. Vendors who cancel between 14 and 7 days prior to the fete will receive a 50% refund. Vendors who cancel less than 7 days prior will not be refunded.

Public Liability Insurance

Vendors who are carrying out commercial activities should have their own public liability insurance for an indemnity of not less than $20 million. If uninsured, or insured for a lesser value, acceptance is at our discretion subject to consultation with the GGLC Office Coordinator.

Weather Policy

In past years, October has provided excellent weather with sunny skies, no more than a light breeze and modest UV ratings. Nevertheless, there is still a risk that poor weather may affect the event. Free attractions, such as inflatables, may not be able to operate under windy or wet conditions. The event will be modified to the extent possible to accommodate stallholders despite bad weather. However, stallholders are expected to make their own preparations for these circumstances and will not be refunded if the event proceeds. Stallholders will be entitled to a refund if organisers choose to cancel the event due to a forecast of extreme weather.

Public Health Policy

Stallholders will be entitled to a refund if the event is unable to proceed due to government-imposed health-related restrictions (e.g. COVID-19).

Electrical Goods

Any second-hand electrical items for sale must be either tested and tagged by a qualified electrician or marked “This electrical item is second-hand. DO NOT USE OR CONNECT TO SUPPLY. THIS SECOND-HAND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT MAY BE FAULTY AND SHOULD BE INSPECTED AND TESTED BY A COMPETENT PERSON IN ACCORDANCE WITH AS/NZS 3760” 

You may use this PDF to print tags for electrical goods if you wish.